Program in Medical Education (PRIME)
The Program in Medical Education (PRIME) is designed to produce physicians who are specifically trained to address the healthcare needs of the African, Black, and Caribbean (ABC) communities of Inland Southern California.
- UCR's PRIME will admit six students annually, who will complete educational and clinical activities that prepare them to provide equitable care to ABC populations.
- The program begins with a two-week summer immersion program prior to the start of the academic school year.
- The UCR School of Medicine will partner with ABC clinicians and organizations to allow students to integrate working with ABC populations throughout the course of their medical education.
- Students will have the option to pursue a master’s degree (e.g., MPH, MPP, MBA, etc.) in the field of their choosing, before completing their final year of medical school.

Program Contacts
PRIME Program Director and Curricular Elements
Adwoa Osei, M.D., F.A.A.P.
PRIME Clerkship Coordinator
Velika Patterson
PRIME Ambassador
Queen-Ivie C. Egiebor, Dr.Ph., M.P.H.
Community Expert & Strategist
Michelle Burroughs, M.P.H.
African American Studies
Paul Green, Ph.D.
Academic Support
Christina Granillo, Ph.D.
Flourishing & Wellness
Amanda Smith, L.C.S.W.
Goals and Objectives
- Demonstrate knowledge of the unique health concerns affecting ABC communities.
- Conduct culturally sensitive and informed history, physical exams, and care of patients from an ABC community.
- Develop a service-learning project that examines and addresses health disparities that disproportionately affect ABC communities.
- Serve as mentors and future leaders who will advance the provision of quality care to ABC communities.
How to Apply
Visit the Student Affairs PRIME webpage for more information.
Pre-First-Year Curriculum (Pre-MS1)
Summer Immersion Program: Skills for Med Ed success, Self-advocacy, Meet a Mentor Series, visit local and state legislature and, ABC community leaders.
First- and Second-Year Curriculum (MS1 & MS2)
Enrollment in Community Health or Health Leadership Emphasis and student selection of ABC physician, faculty, community mentors and advocates.
Post-Second-Year Curriculum (Post-MS2)
Summer Immersion Program: Resilience and flourishing building skills series and focused mentoring on advanced degree applications, public speaking, and media training.
Third-Year Curriculum (MS3)
Clinical rotations with a preference for sites that serve ABC communities.
Post-Third-Year Curriculum (Post-MS3)
Advanced degree completion or research opportunity.
Fourth-Year Curriculum (MS4)
Teaching and Leadership opportunities such as student led creation of ABC pathway programs, leading an advocacy initiative, teaching, and opportunities for presentations of completed projects at the national level.
Additional Curriculum Elements
- Quarterly ABC case conferences.
- Small group AA studies.
- Monthly director check-ins.
- Structured flourishing and wellness sessions.
- Individualized career and flourishing plans.
- Structured financial wellness sessions.
- Collaboration with UC Irvine LEAD-ABC PRIME Program.